About Us
Building stronger children, families and communities in mind, body and spirit.

Who we are
Since 1987 YMCA Belize has been a local partner in the global, community-led YMCA movement to build healthy families and communities. YMCA Belize serves the children and families of some of Belize City’s lowest socioeconomic communities with programs to develop their mind, body and spirit.
Three pillars of human development guide the work of YMCA: academic enrichment, strengthening character and building leadership. Programs and activities range from homework assistance, remedial math, literacy and information technology to sports, field trips, cultural days and birthday celebrations.
The YMCA Belize is a small organization with aspirations to grow by developing our facilities and programs and increasing the number of students and families we support. The YMCA is run by a small number of dedicated staff and passionate volunteers and guided by our experienced board of directors. We could not do the amazing work we do without the support of our partners and funder both locally and internationally. For all our supporters, we are sincerely grateful.
The YMCA Belize Mission is to build stronger children, families and communities in mind body and spirit.
To unleash the human potential of youth in Belize City faced with disproportionate obstacles and challenges.
We see our children as future leaders but more importantly as children who need to be nurtured, encouraged and supported to realize their potential. We assist the holistic development of primary and secondary school students by providing quality opportunities for educational, social, and spiritual growth.
The YMCA uses life as a classroom to teach its core Christian values of:
To put others before yourself, to love others, to be sensitive to the wellbeing of others and to help others.
To tell the truth, to act in such a way that you are worthy of trust, to have integrity and to make sure your choices match up with your values.
To treat others as you would have them treat you, to value the worth of every person including yourself, to be cordial even if you disagree with someone.
To do what you should, to do what is right and to be accountable for your behaviour and obligations.
To develop your relationship with God, to be a seeker of truth, to trust God with your life, to be sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see.
Partners and Sponsors
YMCA Belize would like to thank the following organisations for their support:
- Government of Belize
- YMCA of Greater St. Louis
- RESTORE Belize
- Governor General of Belize
- OPEC Fund For International Development (OFID)
- Habet & Habet Ltd.
- Smart Belize
- ADM Mills
- Puma Belize
- Budget Rental
- Anthony Thurton & Associates
- Northern Fisherman’s Cooperative
- Simon Quan
- Radisson Fort George Hotel and Marina
- Oceana
- Bowen & Bowen
- Belize Natural Energy
- One World Running
- YMCA Middle Tenessee
- Belize Project
- World Hope Foundation