
Innovative approach to literacy and numeracy

Innovative approach to literacy and numeracy

Innovative approach to literacy and numeracy

YMCA Belize has adopted an innovative approach to literacy and numeracy, introducing a computer-assisted literacy program in 2013 with the help of Restore Belize and funded by the Literacy Unit of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
The focus of the YMCA computer assisted literacy and numeracy program is on bringing Primary School children (ages 6 – 12) up to the expected literacy level for their age.
A Literacy Assessment (2011) conducted by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MOEYS) revealed that more than one-half of children in primary schools in the Belize District do not have basic literacy skills appropriate for their age-grade levels. If not addressed proactively through literacy programs, low literacy rates can lead to poor academic performance, early school drop outs and reduced opportunities for employment in the future.

After 6 months YMCA teachers noticed promising improvements in those students using the program regularly. One of the biggest benefits is that the program allows students to be working at their own level and targeting their individual weaknesses within a class setting.
The YMCA is continuing with the program in 2014 and would like to see it become accessible to more students in the future.

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