
YMCA students celebrate end of PSE Exams

YMCA students celebrate end of PSE Exams

It has been a nerve wracking month for ten YMCA Primary School students. After months of hard work and dedication our students took their first PSE Exam on Monday April 7th and sat their final exam on Tuesday May 6th 2014.

The PSE exam is mandatory for Primary School students and the stakes are high, with results largely determining a student’s options for High School education.

In the lead up to the exam the group worked diligently in the YMCA Guided Study Centre from Monday to Thursdays after school. Under the guidance of YMCA teacher, Mrs. Marie Knowles, the students worked on their weakness using the online Math and Reading Literacy Program.

YMCA students are relieved that the exams are over and had these words to say about their PSE experience:

Describe how you felt before your first exam and after your last exam?

“I felt so scared on the first and at the end I felt rejoice.”

“The first time I went to take my exam I had a fright in me and the last exam was a wonderful relief because I didn’t have to go back.”

What part of the exam do you think you did the best on?

“Well I think I did best on the multiple-choice.”

“I think I did best on the science exam.”

“I know I did better on math 1 because math 2 was kind of complicated.”

What part of the exam was the hardest?

“The math paper two which is the problem solving was the hardest exam.”

“The hardest part of the exam was the English (creative writing) but I know I did my best.”

How did your time at the YMCA help you prepare for your PSE Exam?

“The YMCA was one of my best helpers. I had the feeling just going to the YMCA was the right thing to do. It helped me with everything- Math and English- and the teacher was always at your side helping.”

“It helped me a lot by helping me with my homework so that I knew the answers in the exam.”

We are proud of our students for completing this step and we pray for great results as they prepare to spread their wings and enter High School.

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